Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dr. Don

There is so much that this present generation of teens and twenty somethings will never understand...
  • Why we would have ever had to call when we got somewhere.
  • How to reheat without a microwave.
  • Having to get up to change the channel.
  • Have to flip through all four stations.
  • Knowing that if the Indian Chief is on the TV, and I'm hearing the National Anthem then it's time for everyone to be in bed.
  • Never having a need for a password.
  • Why we all sniffed our tests with the weird purple ink.
  • What it was like to spend the car rides climbing all over the car and playing in the floorboard! Eeek.
One of those is how precious this announcement is. When God called me out of my pointless life and into life with Him, there was no way to hear from great men of God unless you spent lots of time reading and reading and reading. Good thing for me that I love to read! But today's generation of Christians have amazing access to teaching that so reveals Christ that we behold Him and are transformed.

Dr. Don Carson is one of those men. If you've never heard of him, I'm so grateful to introduce him. And if you have, then you'll know why I'm so thrilled that the Gospel Coalition is hosting a resource page that includes more than 400 talks he's given over the years. Topics include the Bible, marriage, culture, giving, the sovereignty of goes on and on. There's also a listing of his books, his biography and other publications.

Take some time to download a few of these and give them a listen as you chop veggies, wait in the carpool line, take a walk or sit at the doctor's office. You will be so blessed.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

not that what you have isn't great...but post something!!! i need filler time in BIMM! <3 you!